Mindset and Mentorship with Christie Locke-Romero

We were so thrilled to have Christie Locke-Romero, Real Estate agent extraordinaire and NEW CEO of her own corporation, on our "Creating Your Own Business" segment on 3C Business Academy YouTube show. She is also my niece!!

In this episode, Christie shares how having the right mindset and the right mentorship are two key elements of her success in life and in business. As a result, she has built a thriving, client-centered real estate practice (which she has just incorporated - yay!), setting the foundation for growth and to empower others.

The Right Mindset is the Real Generational Wealth

By far, Christie’s greatest asset is her mindset and her belief that she can do anything. Yes, she is a successful entrepreneur and investor, but the real generational wealth she is creating for her friends, family, and clients is her mindset.

Money, assets, power - none of this matters if your mindset is not steeped in abundance and gratitude. No amount of money or things can fill the whole created by a scarcity mindset. When I work with clients, I am far more interested in their "mindset balance sheet" than their financial balance sheet. With the right mindset anything is possible (asset). With the wrong mindset, there is never enough (liability). How’s your "mindset balance sheet"? Does it have more assets or liabilities?

Chances are, whatever your mindset is, you inherited from your parents, teachers, co-workers and friends. Did you inherit mental generational wealth or generational fear and scarcity? Either way, it’s all good. You have the power to keep what is valuable and release what is not. "Biology is not destiny" is a saying my husband uses and it fits perfectly here. Start a new legacy of the empowering generational wealth mindset and pass it on to those in your circle.

Christie shares how her thoughts are centered around abundance and infinite possibilities, even when the path is a bit scary and unknown. She focuses on being self-aware, corrects her course if need be, and gets help when she needs it. This is where mentorship comes in.

All Successful People Have Mentors

My daughter Kamaal made an interesting observation; new entrepreneurs underestimate the value of a mentor (and frequently overestimate the value of formal education), yet successful people (in whatever field) know that a mentor, coach, advisor, etc is absolutely essential to their success. I couldn't agree more!

Many new entrepreneurs feel self-conscious and even a bit embarrassed that they don’t have the formal education or knowledge they need to be successful in business. This could not be further from the truth. You don’t learn this stuff in school - you just have to jump in and figure out how things work in real life (again - trust me I know!)

Find someone that has been where you are and is willing and excited to help you get to where you want to go. The right person is out there and is looking for you too. Ask around, be confident, and get ready to learn and do the work when the time comes.

Christie did (and does) just that. In this interview, she shares how crucial it was (and still is) to surround herself with mentors that believe in her and want the best for her. She is blessed to have the support of her family, friends and colleagues, and when things get rough (not everyday is as glamorous as "Selling Sunset") they have her back.

As the saying goes, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you are not encouraged and uplifted by your circle, it may be time for a change. You also have to watch your digital circle; spending too much time on social media or obsessing over the news may lead to what my husband calls an ANT infestation ("Automatic Negative Thoughts") and we all know how hard it is to get rid of ants!! They just keep coming back unless you get to the source and root it out.

Even with a good team and mentor, you will make mistakes, have setbacks, and fail. So what. We all have. That is the journey. Be kind and patient with yourself, figure out how to recover, and then keep it moving. "Failing Forward" is real. The more you fail forward, the more you will have to share with others which will bless them in return.

So make sure to find a good mentor, friend, colleague, coach - whatever - that knows the ropes, can help you navigate your path, or, at the very least, is your cheerleader! That’s why I do what I do!

Check out the full interview here.

Additional Highlights (see more, with links in the YouTube description):

  • 07:36 - How Christie’s clients motivate her personally and professionally

  • 11:22 - How she learned from her team, then knew it was time to branch out on her own

  • 23:06 - Why you don’t need a business degree to be successful (my favorite!)

  • 32:11 - Her path to "Being Her Own CEO" - what she’s learned and what’s next, and of course

  • 42:03 - An update on the current real estate market for buyers, sellers, and investors.

Wanna reach Christie? You can find her on facebook (@lockegetsthekeys), or email her directly at keysonlocke@gmail.com. We will be checking in with her in a few months so stay tuned!

Martha TheusMindset