Why Are So Many Knowledge Workers Quitting?

Fall is here! Typically, this time of year evokes a "get serious" vibe as the kids go back to school and the routines are back in place. Obviously, this year is a bit different due to the lingering effect of the pandemic, as examined in a recent New York Times magazine article, Why Are So Many Knowledge Workers Quitting?

The main reason is FREEDOM. These workers experienced a new way of working and living during the shut-down and now want freedom to work where they want, when they want, and how they want.

According to the article, a record four million Americans quit their jobs in April as things started to open up and employers required workers back in the office. This phenomenon was dubbed "The Great Resignation." Workers were willing to forgo higher salaries, "luxury" items, and the little niceties of life for FREEDOM!

The article notes Thoreau's insights from Walden, begging the question, "why do we work so hard for things that are inessential?" In a nutshell, how much are you willing to give up (freedom) for that shiny new object you don’t really need? The four million workers that resigned obviously decided their freedom and quality of life were far more precious than the material things accumulated in exchange for precious time and the essence of their very soul.

So back to FREEDOM. It is the foundation of how I work. I have built my business around my life, not the other way around. I can run my business anywhere, anytime, with just a laptop and an internet connection, and I have shown others how to do the same as well.

Why am I so passionate about this? Because I need to be FREE to pursue my soul’s purpose, and do it with those I love. My husband, Londale and I just returned from a trip to Cabo San Lucas (our honeymoon 36 years late !) where I was FREE to disconnect and I "Shut Down to Power Up."

Yes, I took my laptop but it used it for less than 30 minutes during the entire seven-day trip. This was possible because of the systems I leverage so that my business can function without my daily attention.


This level of FREEDOM is priceless and a dream come true for me.

How about you? Are you ready to BE FREE?

If so, I have some great tools coming your way in October. So stay tuned! This is a game/life-changer!

Can’t wait!

Martha TheusMindset