There is no way to get to true freedom (however you define it) without clarity of where you are. I spend a lot of time working with clients on their “freedom plan” and it always begins with CLARITY. My expertise (actually my brilliance) is helping people get complete clarity of their financial and business lives so that they can progress on the path to freedom.

So this week, I have a little exercise for you. I have three questions to help you take action to finish the year strong and to set your intentions for the new year. Feel free to anonymously post your responses here or just record them in your private journal.

CLARITY → FREEDOM. Three Questions

  1. What does freedom mean to you? Be specific (how you spend your time, where you live, how you work, your finances, etc.)

  2. List three things you can do this year to get closer to freedom.

  3. List areas of your life where you need more CLARITY (i.e. what keeps you up at night?). Make a commitment to getting the resources you need to address three of these areas this year.

This last point is very powerful and can be life-changing. With my clients, I have seen that even small, consistently applied actions for CLARITY make a HUGE difference in peace of mind, and ultimately the confidence to pursue their path to freedom.

If you need more clarity with your finances (business and personal) or with how to start/optimize a business so that you can have more FREEDOM, I got you. This, as I said, is my brilliance and also my purpose.

I look forward to hearing more about what freedom means to you and how I can help you with the first step.

Martha TheusClarity