What Do You Say Often That You No Longer Want to Live?

Even though we are still in the middle of the tax filing season, I wanted to shift to a much more important issue - the mindset about money and abundance.

At different times in my life, I have been both a student and a teacher of the abundance mindset, and due to my unique position of working with clients and their money, I realized there is little or no correlation between the amount of money in the bank and the actual feeling of abundance. I’ve seen people gain a lot of money, but then, as in one of U2’s most popular songs, feel I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. Julia and I did a YouTube show on this topic, “Is Your Relationship with Money Based on Fact or Fiction?

Recently, I was introduced to a business, Magic Hour Teas,https://clubmagichour.com/created by a woman named Zhena. Mind you, I WAS NOT a tea drinker until I found her and now I’m hooked! The teas are truly magical and are now a part of my self-care routine.

I love not only the teas, but also her “Mystic Monday with Zhena” conversations (open to the public) which delve deeply into the “conscious entrepreneur” mindset (you can watch past episodes on Vimeo by clicking the link.

In the most recent episode (03/01/2021) she posed a question to the viewers:

What Do You Say Often
That You No Longer Want to Live?

That question stopped me in my tracks. I had to really scour my mind and replay conversations that I ALWAYS have with myself and others! One of my favorites is that “I’m too busy to…..(fill in the blank)”, and one I hear from my friends and clients is that “I don’t have enough money to …..(fill in the blank)” even though their financial statements may show otherwise.

The reality is that both statements are true because we speak it into existence. As Zhena also says in this episode,

“What you say is what you get. That which is spoken is created. That which is not spoken is not created.”

This brings to mind one of my husband’s favorite responses when anyone asks him, “how are you?” and he enthusiastically responds, “I’m getting better all the time!” This is his response EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. And guess what? It’s true! It’s not just a catchphrase!

Along those same lines, let’s ponder another quote by the Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu:

Watch your thoughts, for they become your words;

Watch your words, they become your actions;

Watch your actions, for they become your habits;

Watch your habits, for they become your character;

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


Pay attention to the “words coming out of your mouth” and in your head, over the next few days and start speaking a new reality into existence if you want to make a change. It is essential to having “Abundance With Relief” which is another concept Zhena introduced in her 02/22/2021 episode. True abundance has to do with your feelings and your attitude about wealth. If you are stressed or worried all the time about what you have, don’t have, or may lose, that is not true abundance. Start SPEAKING another story now! Let’s do this together!

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