The Price of Freedom - Part 2: Expertise
This is Part 2 of our "Price of Freedom" series where we talk about building your expertise. I share how I reallocated the time I saved from my time audit (discussed in Episode #003) and redirected it to building the skills I needed to go from my Zone of Excellence to my Zone of Genius. Julia shares how delegating certain activities will help you invest in your Zone of Genius so that you can focus on your business and charge what you're worth. Get started - block out the time - be consistent.
“The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency.”
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The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
Outliers: The Story of Success - Malcom Gladwell
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones - James Clear
Please leave us your comments! Let us know:
1. What areas do you need to focus on to get to your Zone of Genius?
2. What steps did you take to protect your time so you can be free?
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