How to Review Your Tax Return and Protect Yourself Against Fraud

Last week, I did a post on different types of tax fraud, and how to protect yourself against “shady” tax preparers. Click here for the post in case you missed it. 

I also promised more information on how to detect fraud, as well as how to review your taxes before they are filed. I have done that in a two-part video series, “How to Protect Yourself Against Tax Preparer Fraud.”

  • In Part 1 (4 min), I review the warning signs, and give tips on how to spot, prevent, and report fraud

  • In Part 2 (9 min), I walk you through a simple tax return for a self-employed person, highlighting information you need to understand and verify.

As I said last week, you have the power. If you don’t understand something, ask. You deserve to understand your finances and taxes.

I hope these two short videos give you more clarity and confidence to understand your taxes and to make sure that your preparer is honest.