The Business Reset & Refresh

Spring is here and we have a fun challenge for you this month! It’s the Business Reset & Refresh Challenge which is a simple way to do a little spring cleaning of your data.

Why? Because you will save time, money, frustration, and have more peace of mind. In my 30+ years of working with private clients, those that follow these three steps have more CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, and CONTROL over their business. It has, and continues to be priceless.

In this information age, you have to know how to find and work with your critical data more effectively. The good news is that it’s easier than ever, and we have some tools (the CLARITY BUNDLE) and tips to help.

I use these very tools with my clients and it has saved me, and them time, money and stress. For my real estate investor clients, special financing packages that previously took days now take a couple of hours. These investors buy, sell, refinance or exchange properties on a monthly basis so keeping track of the DATA, DOCUMENTS, DEADLINES and DELIVERABLES is key.


How to have all the critical data points (Tax ID numbers, banking information, etc) at your fingertips.


How to have all the critical data points (Tax ID numbers, banking information, etc) at your fingertips.


Imagine never missing deadline again, avoid setting your money on fire with unnecessary late fees and penalties.

Throughout this month, I will share more details on how I manage each of these things and how you too can do it for yourself. It's not complicated and being "Brilliant on the Basics" truly pays off.



Get the CLARITY BUNDLE and be ready to start next week when we start with the DATA Section. Use MAY22REFRESH at checkout to save 50%! (This code is good through 05/31/2022.) The CLARITY BUNDLE Includes the following worksheets which we will go over throughout the challenge.

Create a system where you can access the documents you need in minutes.

NOTE: You don't need to purchase the bundle to take the challenge you can make your own sheets but why - I've already done the work for you


Check out the YouTube episode where Julia and I discuss the Reset & Refresh and the Impact it will have in your business life.

Have fun with your Business (and even personal) Reset & Refresh Challenge and don’t stress. You got this!

Martha TheusClarity