Generosity Nurtures Abundance
Generosity really does nurture abundance. There are so many ways to be generous - with your time, attention, attitude, and of course your money. Julia and I share some examples about how this concept of generosity as the foundation of abundance has been a gift to us.
On that note, we are so grateful for YOU and have a free gift to help with your Passion to Profit journey. You can access our free course, "Passion to Profit Roadmap to Clarity" at This is a simple 3-step process to help you focus on the best next steps for your venture.
Other highlights from this episode: Gratitude Strategy: Set a timer and write down three things you're grateful for each day. You will attract more things to be grateful for, which also creates more abundance!
"Gratitude greases the wheel of abundance."
"Be curious, not judgmental." - Ted Lasso. Check out the show (Ted Lasso) on AppleTV+. It's so good and just what we need as a positive distraction these days!
Exponential Receiving - I share my thoughts on a recent episode of Kristine Oller's podcast Creating Cash Flow (the receiving part starts at the 22:50 mark):
BOOKS: Note, as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn commissions from any sales.
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Catherine Ponder
It's Not Your Money: How to Live Fully from Divine Abundance, Tosha Silver