Working to Earn or Working to Learn?
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”
How do you survive financially until your business can support you? This is a common question I hear.
Firstly, you are not alone! Most new entrepreneurs struggle with this. Don’t give up. I understand this “in-between” stage can cause SO MUCH STRESS and can be disheartening to your ultimate goal of creating a business that gives you the freedom to pursue your purpose while sharing your gifts with the world.
So what do you do? One solution is actually quite simple. If you find yourself in this situation, GET A JOB. Get a job? Whaaatt??!! Yep, I said it - get a job! I am NOT telling you to give up on your dreams - just the opposite! It is not an “all or nothing” situation. You can (and perhaps should) get a job, or take a gig, etc as your business grows. Here’s why:
Work to Learn not just to Earn This is rule #1. Your time is so precious and you need to think of it as INVESTING instead of SPENDING as the opening quote said. So, if you must supplement your income, get a job that will help you grow and that supports your purpose. Don’t just take a job at Starbucks or Target unless you are EXCITED about working there because you want to ultimately open your own coffee shop or do something in large retail. Spending time in areas that do not excite you is ultimately very expensive and you will pay for this with your health, mental well-being, and overall happiness. It’s just not worth it!
Early on, when I was building my business, I needed to take an assignment that was not in my “business plan” but one that would help supplement my income as I built my ideal business. I followed my excitement which was real estate investing so I took an assignment in the closest thing I could find - real estate accounting. I humbled myself and did it with an open heart and a desire to serve.
In addition to learning more about investing, I also learned a TON about real estate finance and accounting and actually loved it! This ONE ASSIGNMENT which was over 20 years ago, connected me with clients that I still work with today, and I can trace over 90% of my consulting income back to relationships formed and experiences gained from that ONE ASSIGNMENT. “Man Proposes, God Disposes” for real. And I am so grateful for that!Pandemic Pivot We have experienced an unprecedented pivot in the way people work, and trust me, it is never going back to the way it was pre-pandemic. This means that for the first time in history, you have the opportunity to work remotely, part time, with more flexibility than ever before. Some businesses are so desperate to find people to work, and will be happy if someone “just had a pulse.” I know this sounds extreme, but there is a lot of truth to it. If you need a job, spend a little time researching areas that really excite you and pursue it! They need you more than you need them. When you have this mindset, you literally create a vibration of confidence that is palpable and attractive. Don’t worry if you lack the experience or education - just pursue your excitement, let that come through in the interview, and then see what happens. Every “no” is getting you closer to the “yes” that will change your life.
Love It to Leave It Above all else, you have to have a positive attitude and infuse your work with love. Ultimately you are committing the hours, minutes, and days of your life to this so make it worth it and be positive so you can grow and enjoy the process. If you do, whatever you need to learn, and whomever you need to meet, will come faster than you can imagine because you will attract this through your positive attitude. As my husband often says, you set the PACE - Positive Attitude Changes Everything!
Remember, life is not a straight line (that would be boring!!). You can stay on your road and follow your purpose, but there may be some twists, turns, and even a few “scenic route detours.” That does not mean you’re off course. If you need to take a job or a gig to stay afloat and reduce financial stress, it’s all good. If you have a positive attitude, and strategically select a job that you are excited about, you will automatically gain the knowledge, resources, connections, and overall support you need to be your best self! It’s an adventure! Enjoy the ride!