What’s Good?

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." --Oprah Winfrey

 As we reflect on this past year, and look toward next year, I wanted to share a few perspectives on GRATITUDE. 

I know it’s tough being an entrepreneur at times. There are so many things you have to do, whether you like it or not, and many times you pour your heart and soul into your business with seemingly little or no results. I’ve been there and chances are you have too.

Don’t despair. Trust the process. Virtually everything you do in life has value and will prepare you for an opportunity that may be just around the corner. The key is you have to acknowledge and recognize that. One way to do that is to have a spirit of gratitude, and ask yourself, “what’s good about this?”

It’s the proverbial half-full or half-empty scenario. It’s amazing how your attitude (followed by your circumstances) will change if you literally ask yourself that simple question. Every step you take, every project you do, every client you serve, is a valuable experience that will prepare you for sharing your gifts more fully. There is no “destination''.” It is all about the process. Learning to embrace and appreciate the process will make your journey that much more joyful!

Seeing the Good in Everything

My husband tells a short story that nails seeing the good in everything. A little boy had aspirations of being the greatest baseball hitter in the world and practiced tirelessly to achieve this. One afternoon, his mom saw him in the backyard, shouting, “I’m the greatest hitter in the world!”, then tossing up the baseball and taking a swing. He misses. “Strike One!” he yells to no one in particular. This continues twice more, resulting in two more misses/strikes. His mom was on the verge of running out to console him, when he yelled, “I’m the greatest pitcher in the world!”

As you go throughout your day, especially if you are faced with frustrating or challenging things, just take a moment to ask, “what’s good about this?” and see how you can reframe it into something positive. Maybe you will pivot to being a pitcher instead of a hitter - who knows? The world is full of people that have hit a brick wall, only to be led to the perfect door that was wide open and waiting for them! If you are open to, acknowledge and expect the good, you will see that door.

Shutting Down to Power Up

Seeing the good in everything is helped tremendously by turning off the noise. This year, my husband and I are off on our annual trip to India now that the pandemic restrictions have been lifted. I love Gary V’s term, “Disappearing December” because this is a time when I Shut Down to Power Up, spiritually, mentally and physically.

I am grateful for the opportunity to do this - it has been life-changing on every level. I encourage you to find your way to disconnect and shut down to power up, even if it’s just taking a day off from your devices, and spending some time in nature. There is magic inside of you waiting to be heard but it will not compete for your attention. Silence truly is golden!

When I return, Julia and I will be launching a brand new training program for people who want to launch a bookkeeping and consulting business, have their own clients, and create a life of freedom while helping others. This will be beyond learning QuickBooks Online. In this program participants will learn my framework of how to be an “MVP” for clients, while working from anywhere/anytime. If you, or anyone you know is interested,  please share and join our interest list to be the first in line!

Martha TheusMindset