Realizing Abundance

Now that we have entered a new year - full of new possibilities, what is your intention? What would you like to experience in the new year and what thoughts and actions do you need to change to realize these experiences?

I use the word realize intentionally. Do you already have what you want/need, but just don’t realize it? This is the time of year when I engage in deep year-end financial and tax strategy conversations with my clients. I love being able to assist not only with the strategy, but also with the underlying feelings about where they are and what they want from life.

A common theme is wanting more; more time, more clarity, and of course more money. Before delving into the “issues” and “hammering out a strategy”, I like to spend time on making sure they realize (and are grateful for) what they already have. One quote I share is,

“Abundance is having what you need when you need it.”

I encourage them to let this sink in for a moment, and to understand that they, and perhaps everyone they know personally has what they need when they need it. Yes, perhaps not always what they want (or even think they need), but they do have what they actually need, as in food on the table and a roof over their heads to begin with. Millions of people in the world cannot say the same. Making space for realizing the abundance already present and doubling down on gratitude is life-changing. A good place to start is simply writing down what you want, and then challenging yourself to come up with at least three things already present in your life that support these wants. This is active realization of abundance. Without this realization, no matter how much you have, it will still not be enough. Will Smith’s book/life is an excellent representation of this fact -check out my video review if you missed it last week!

Will calls this the “disease of more” and states it is rooted in fear. I couldn’t agree more; in fact over the years I’ve found that this fear falls into three categories or stages:

  • Fear of the Unknown (aka The Future)

  • Fear of Failure

  • Fear of Loss

Most people are dealing with some if not all of these fears to varying degrees. I understand fear will always be present to a certain extent, but my purpose is to help others get clarity on what truly is so they can discern the difference between a fear that is life-saving (helpful) or one that is based in past experiences (imagined and otherwise!) and no longer serves them (harmful).

In 2022, Julia and I will continue to focus our energies on helping people deal with these three stages of fear, because unless they are faced and healed, they will continue to grow and destroy peace of mind, health, and ultimately living on purpose. Clarity dissipates fear. When you know what’s “in the dark” and how to deal with it, the fear vanishes. We have so many tools and strategies for true clarity that are transformative and we are excited to share on a wider scale!

Thank you for being a part of our mission and purpose to heal the world in our unique way. We are grateful to be a part of your mission as well!

We wish you peace, love, and the increased awareness of the abundance already present in your life. Take a deep breath and let it in. We will do the same!

Martha TheusMindset