Financial Freedom Starts with Financial Clarity

“More important than the how we achieve financial freedom, is the why.
Find your reasons why you want to be free and wealthy.”

Robert Kiyosaki, Author, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Do you want financial freedom?

Most people would say YES! to this, yet they have no idea what that really means to them, why they want it, or even recognize it when it comes since it's a moving target if you are not clear about your “why.”

In this third installment of our CLARITY series, I’m going to share steps you can take to define what financial freedom means to you, how to achieve it, and how you will feel when you have it!

This last point needs further examination. In my business over the past 30+ years, I have worked with many clients that were on a quest for financial freedom, yet seemed to, in their minds, never truly achieve it. It’s not until I review their finances, start asking specific questions about why they want to be free, and what they think they need to be free, that they realize they are already there. What was missing was the clarity, acknowledgement, and appreciation.

Case in point: I have worked with many people that will not outlive their money, yet they still don’t feel “free.” This proves that having money alone will not give you the sense of freedom you desire. It is important to really identify what freedom means to you,  so that you can recognize it when you get there, and stay in a state of gratitude and appreciation. 

This takes CLARITY. CLARITY of your WHY is first, and then it’s time to get CLARITY about your finances. As PT Barnum said, “Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.” Your money mindset, and your money habits will either take you closer to, or further from FREEDOM. You can (and should) be in the driver’s seat and have your money flow according to your intentions.

Three Steps to Financial Freedom

  1. What’s Your Number? If you don’t have a number, you will always feel like you’re pursuing an unattainable goal. This is not to limit you - it’s only to serve as a benchmark so that you can stop pursuing and start appreciating. In addition to understanding what you need to cover your expenses, you also need to have an idea of what you need to cover things in ideal circumstances (i.e. maybe you want to leave your job and launch a business). Remember, you have to consider taxes, savings, large planned purchases, and unforeseen items as well. Once you have this number, then you can create a strategy.

  2. Get Your Mind Right. This may be the most important step. Changing your mindset is completely within your power and is critical to achieving and recognizing your freedom. Be mindful about your thoughts and your words about abundance. They ultimately create your destiny. Surround yourself with, and feed your mind and soul with information, people, and resources that support abundance and joy, not fear, lack and poverty.

  3.  Know Your Numbers! OK - this is where it all comes together. Does your money flow according to your “why” and your values and beliefs? How do you know? Virtually EVERYONE I have worked with over the years had an “ah ha moment” when they clearly saw where their money was flowing. I love helping my clients have this clarity, and allowing them to come to their own conclusions about what they want to change to redirect the flow of their money. This step cannot be missed. You have to dig into the ins and outs of your money so your freedom strategy is based on facts and not concepts.

I have courses (including the free Passion to Profit course which has money and planning worksheets you can use), downloads and resources to help you with these steps. Be sure to let me know what’s on your mind and if there is anything I can do to help. I’ve heard it all, so don’t feel like you have to do this alone!